Monday, April 7, 2008

Winter wren takes over swallow nest

I guess one of the four swallow nests under our patio won't be home to swallows this year. This nest is the closest one to our door and we have been noticing lots of wren activity. Building upon the mud nest of the swallow, the wrens have added a huge amount of moss, small sticks, and feathers.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Temperature Rises Above 50

Well, that is what they are saying on the radio. It has been a cold second half of March with at least two days of mixed rain and snow during the last 6. Sam is taking a 30 minute break from her thesis in order to get some vitamin D. I think she is planting leek starts.

Swallows came back today despite the cold. Wonderful to see their daring flight maneuvers again. We are curious if they will occupy the same four nests from last year that are under our front patio.

Yesterday I repaired the broken door on the "tool shed" down at Cedar Rock. I used found boards and some large carriage bolts to beef things up. New hinges and hasp. It is not currently locked which is probably fine.